Tolerance Analysis Software

Helps improve profitability by balancing quality with manufacturing cost.


Sigmetrix announces their latest version of CETOL 6σ tolerance analysis software, version 10.4, is available for immediate download.

Tolerance analysis benefits businesses in many ways. It helps improve profitability by balancing quality with manufacturing cost. Companies can also realize faster time to market by reducing the need for additional design and prototype cycles. Finally, it allows companies to gain confidence in their product and process decisions before making costly investments.

CETOL 6σ enables product development teams to easily and fully understand the often-complex impact of dimensional and assembly variation on their designs. This knowledge enables them to make adjustments before problems appear in manufacturing or, even worse, in their customers’ hands. Users of all expertise levels will appreciate the multiple levels of assistance available within the software.

CETOL 6σ 10.4 encompasses several enhancements, including:

  • Unilateral measurement requirements - When defining measurement requirements, you may specify just an upper or lower limit
  • Improved report processing - Report templates now include options for specifying how the report is post processed and opened in the target application for report layout
  • New command-line execution options for Creo allow for automation of starting a new CETOL analysis or working with data saved from a previous one
  • Improved selection process – When adding a joint or a measurement, after selecting the first feature, that part is either hidden or changed to transparent so that the second selection is easier
  • Better precision control – When entering a tolerance value, the precision automatically increases as you enter more digits, but the precision can only be decreased by specific user action
  • Data management improvements for renamed assemblies – When the model data is stored in the top-level assembly and the CAD assembly has been renamed, CETOL makes it easier for the user to understand that saved data exists and map it to the newly named assembly
  • Revised severities – The severities of some advisor messages have been adjusted to improve consistency between types of messages
  • Naming improvements in the Analyzer – The Analyzer now includes the CAD name for assemblies, parts, and linked annotations in the appropriate columns

Sigmetrix provides a complete portfolio helping customers design and produce better products through mechanical variation management. 

For more details on the capabilities of CETOL 6σ, visit

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