Luxury automaker Bugatti has seemingly hit on the most pressing need that exists amid this global economic crisis. And that is, of course, the essential need for wealthy families to gift their children a $35,000 “toy” car.
The French company has developed a 75% scale replica of its Type 35, and it’s calling it the “Baby II.” This electric car is actually Bugatti’s first since 1931, and what better way to test out the market than on people who don’t have driver's licenses or credit history?
But, to be honest, this offering is a bit more hefty than your average Power Wheels. The most basic mode -- called “Novice” -- allows for tooling around at just 1.3 HP, though you can go bigger if you wish … as high as 13.4 HP at the more expensive trims. Using a special “Speed Key,” the top speed of the $68,000 “Pur Sang” version is 42 miles per hour. Not exactly suitable for an 8-year-old, even if they never leave the castle grounds. Good thing the 75% scale means these vehicles are large enough for most adults as well.
Depending on the trim, the Bugatti EVs have a range between 15 and 31 miles, so maybe just to the mailbox and back. Hey, it’s cooler than a golf cart.