Digi-Key Electronics announced that it has expanded its product portfolio to include a global distribution of Mag Layers USA MMD series molded power inductors.
Mag Layers USA’s molded power inductors have a magnetic metal powder core and internal wire coil in a shielded construction for today’s DC/DC applications and power supplies. The MMD series of inductors are produced on state-of-the-art manufacturing lines utilizing second generation automotive grade robotics. These shielded power inductors feature soft saturating core materials in consumer, industrial and automotive grades.
The typical applications for the MMD Series include laptop, desktop and server power, as well as high current power supplies, battery powered devices, and PMIC applications. The MMD series are RoHS/Reach compliant, halogen free, low resistance and offer high current ratings.
For more information, please visit https://www.digikey.com/