Parvalux Unveils Rapid Prototyping for Motors

Creating a near optimal motor drive for applications just became faster and easier.

Parvalux has unveiled rapid prototyping capabilities for motors.
Parvalux has unveiled rapid prototyping capabilities for motors.

Parvalux has announced a new ability to quickly provide prototype motors. The company has designed and manufactured a series of modular components that can be mixed and matched so users get a paired system from one manufacturer rather than piecing together components like motors, gearheads, brakes and encoders from various manufacturers.

The ability to create a near optimal motor drive for your application just became faster and easier. In a three-step selection process, designers can procure a motor that is built to order using the an online configurator.

Although every application can be different, designers need to focus on voltage, speed, and torque in every case. Using a modular system provides a range of options that allow designers to determine required output performance and make a quick selection. Once this is done, users of the online configurator can fine tune their selection using a range of accessories including brakes, encoders, shaft extension kits, and controllers.

As part of the company's modular drive systems, Parvalux offers a line of motors that includes PMDC (permanent magnet DC) motors, BLDC (brushless DC) motors, and single-phase or three-phase AC motors, all of which are available with inline or right-angle gearboxes.

The company’s line of AC/DC motors are available in series-wound or shunt-would versions. Accessories, such as encoders and brakes are selectable as well.

PMDC motors are small motors with impressive output performance, excellent for mobility, patient care, and industrial product designs. BLDC motors require no maintenance and offer high starting torques, excellent power density, and quiet operation.

Parvalux also offers an SC 50/15 controller which ensures precise control over speed, torque, and motor efficiency. The company designs and manufactures a complete line of motion products for industry that have become key components in a wide variety of applications.

Parvalux also offers recommended combinations of motion systems for building automation that include door automation and access control stations; material handling combinations that include conveyors and AGVs, and mobility combinations that include stairlifts, patient hoists, wheelchair lifts, and more.

Parvalux by maxon designs, manufactures, and markets a wide variety of PMDC, BLDC, and AC motors, gearboxes, controllers, and accessories for a wide variety of industries from medical to aerospace and from manufacturing to warehousing.

For additional information, visit or email [email protected].

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