Army Gives Clemson $22M for Vehicle Research

Researchers hope to design the next generation of on- and off-road military vehicles.

Oshkosh Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected truck, May 2015.
Oshkosh Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected truck, May 2015.

CLEMSON, S.C. (AP) — The U.S. Army is giving a Clemson University research facility an additional $22 million to help design the next generation of military vehicles that can be used on and off road.

The school's International Center for Automotive Research in Greenville has already received $18 million for the project, which involves both vehicles operated by drivers and vehicles without drivers as well as different sources of fuel.

Clemson University said at Monday's announcement that already more than 60 professors and nearly 75 graduate students have done research for the project.

Creating vehicles that don't need drivers is a key goal and the Clemson facility allows the ability to test plenty of different ideas without having to build costly models said David Gorsich, the U.S. Army chief scientist for the program,

“Advanced digital modeling and testing capabilities allow engineers to ‘fail early and cheaply,’ shaking out the best, most robust solutions more quickly before bending metal in physical prototyping,” Gorsich said.

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