CE Compliant Air Knives Use Less Compressed Air

EXAIR’s Air Knife Systems use less energy than other blowoff products.

Exair Sized

The family of Air Knives (Super Air Knife, Standard Air Knife, and Full-Flow Air Knife) from EXAIR (Cincinnati, OH) provides a laminar curtain of air that can be used for blowoff, cleaning, drying and cooling applications. Independent laboratory tests certify that EXAIR’s Air Knife Systems have met the rigorous safety, health, and environmental standards of the European Union in order to attain the CE mark. Plus EXAIR manufactures them in a large variety of custom materials and designs.

By entraining high volumes of room air, EXAIR’s Air Knife Systems use less compressed air and less energy than other blowoff products. With their small profiles they can be mounted to accommodate many industrial applications involving conveyors and webs, even in tight spaces. EXAIR manufactures Air Knife Systems in aluminum, 303 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel and PVDF for corrosive environments. Available stock sizes range from 3″ (76mm) to 108″ (2743mm). These Air Knives meets OSHA maximum dead-end pressure and noise requirements. 


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