Startup Builds Robotic Shoes for Warehouse Workers

"Moonwalkers" helped warehouse workers more than double their productivity.

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Shift Robotics

Shift Robotics’ newest model of robotic shoes are called Moonwalkers X, and they will be unveiled at CES 2024.

The company said the latest version of its robotic shoes is significantly lighter — one pound less for each shoe. They also incorporate a complete overhaul of the control system to boost safety and agility when maneuvering, especially in close quarters, while delivering improved shock absorption.

Moonwalkers X, which now fit smaller shoe sizes, are specifically designed for business/commercial use, particularly those applications where employees walk a lot on-the-job, such as in the distribution, logistics, and warehouse marketplace where individuals might walk as many as 30,000 steps per day.

Moonwalkers X are slated to begin shipping in the first half of 2024, with pricing to be released at that time.

Shift Robotics has also reserved a limited quantity of Moonwalkers X for companies interested in guaranteeing priority access to the new model of robotic shoes when they become available. Those interested should contact the company about its CES 2024 Show Special.

According to the company, its clients have found that warehouse workers responsible for shipping products more than double their productivity by wearing Moonwalkers. Additionally, one Shift Robotics’ client projects that its Moonwalkers-wearing employees will save nearly 400 hours per year in Travel Time, the amount of time associates take to walk from location to location within its facilities during their work days.

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