Northrop Grumman Builds Manta Ray Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle

It has the ability to anchor to the seafloor and hibernate in a low-power state.

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Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman completed assembly of a full-size uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) prototype known as Manta Ray. A new class of UUV, it is an extra-large glider that will operate long-duration, long-range and payload-capable undersea missions without need for on-site human logistics.

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Manta Ray was built through a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program aimed at advancing key technologies to benefit future UUV designs, including techniques to manage energy, increased payload capacity, low-power propulsion and more. 

The company developed its full-scale demonstration vehicle using several novel design attributes that support the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) vision of providing ground-breaking technology to create strategic surprise. Manta Ray is:

  • Payload-capable to support a variety of missions
  • Autonomous, without the need for on-site human logistics
  • Energy-saving, with the ability to anchor to the seafloor and hibernate in a low-power state
  • Modular, for easy shipment in five standard shipping containers to support expeditionary deployment and in-field assembly world-wide

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