University Shows Off New Super Computer

The University of Vermont's "DeepGreen" is now 200 times faster.

University of Vermont President Suresh Garimella speaks with Mike Austin, director of systems architecture, inside the Vermont Advanced Computing Core, UVM’s supercomputer.
University of Vermont President Suresh Garimella speaks with Mike Austin, director of systems architecture, inside the Vermont Advanced Computing Core, UVM’s supercomputer.
Sally McCay, University of Vermont

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — The University of Vermont has upgraded its super computer, and it's now 200 times faster.

The South Burlington computer dubbed "DeepGreen" can achieve a speed of one thousand million, million computations per second, the equivalent of 20,000 laptop computers working in tandem.

Using a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the upgrade was completed over the winter and spring.

Associate Physics Professor Adrian Del Maestro says the extra processing speed will enable faculty to take on new research projects they could not explore prior to the upgrade.

UVM Vice President for Research Richard Galbraith says the additional processing power is "absolutely essential for our faculty to stay at the cutting edge of their disciplines."

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