Northrop Uses Modular Tooling for Large Rocket Motor Case for First Time Ever

Modular tooling could reduce development costs and lead times by more than 50%.

Northrop Grumman performs the insulation layup and composite case wind of its 2024 SMART Demo solid rocket motor case.
Northrop Grumman performs the insulation layup and composite case wind of its 2024 SMART Demo solid rocket motor case.
Northrop Grumman

PROMONTORY, Utah – Northrop Grumman recently demonstrated the design and build of its 2024 Solid Motor Annual Rocket Technology Demonstrator (SMART Demo) solid rocket motor case using an innovative modular tooling approach for manufacturing large composite solid rocket motor (SRM) cases.

The advanced equipment and hardware used to manufacture the case, called modular mandrel tooling, can be changed in shape and size to allow flexibility in both case length and diameter.

The capability of the hardware to support multiple designs with varying dimensions enables quick implementation of new case designs or modifications to accommodate necessary changes during design and production phases.

Implementation of modular tooling, which is the first use of this technology on large SRMs of this scale, could reduce SRM development costs and lead times by more than 50% through eliminating the procurement of long lead tooling and enabling rapid progression from design to manufacturing.

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